Courses Taken

Object-Oriented Software Engineering
  • Learn techniques that allow a group of programmers to successfully complete a large software development project
  • Design and create software by first understanding client requirements and finishing by giving a presentation of our final solution
Theory Of Computation
  • Presents an introdcution to automata, formal languages computability and computational complexity
  • Explore topics such as finiate automata, pushdown automata, context-free grammars, Turing machines, and algorithmically unsolvable/computationally intractable problems
Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Imparts detailed insights into different algorithms and data structures
  • Examine the performance of algorithms and data structures with particular attention paid to searching and sorting, graph algorithms, and techniques for implementing them with object-oriented programming paradigms.
  • Knowledge of designing and debugging Java programs
  • Introduced to polymorphism, event handling, inheritance, and exceptions by designing graphical user interfaces with JavaFX
  • Experience with concepts such as recursive, generic, database, network, and web programming
Advanced Database Design
  • Project course where students learn advanced theoretical concepts
  • Covers System Development Life Cycle, the Database Life Cycle, Data Warehousing, and Database Administration
  • Advanced topics in PL/SQL programming such as writing stored procedures and functions, creating triggers and handling exceptions
  • Used Oracle Forms and Report Builder to access and manipulate data and generate reports
C and Assembly
  • Teaches two languages, C and Assembly, additionally covers basic terminal usage in Linux
  • Covers topics of binary and hexadecimal numbering systems in depth
Technical Writing
  • Trained to create different types of documents from proposals to instructional material